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GNOME Shell - Tron Legacy



This is a GNOME Shell theme inspired by the film Tron Legacy.

Font used is called Zero Threes

Light Cycle wallpaper


Please avoid a manual install and use the GNOME Tweak Tool, it's much easier.

You can use the gnome-shell theme extension for easier switching of themes. Unzip the file and load which version you want into the gnome tweak tool, i.e Tron-Legacy-3.2.zip

GNOME Tweak Tool

Make sure you have user-theme-extension installed. Load the GNOME Tweak Tool and go to Shell Extensions and click the "Use Theme Extension" switch. Now go to Theme>Shell Theme and click the box and locate your theme zip. Now you can select the theme in the dropdown box.

License: GPL3

Compatibility: GNOME 3.0.x/3.2.

Update - 22nd October 2011

- Added GNOME 3.2 compatibility
- Added better switches
- Added slight text shadow on some text

Update - 31nd October 2011

- Added new intl on toggle switch.
© 2011 - 2024 half-left
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TaniasDreams's avatar

Your GUIs are Impressive, Congratulations!!! do you have one for LUBUNTU ;)